
Biodiversity database

The biodiversity web services provide the ability to search and retrieve data from database by providing access to the data.

Each part of the web services is provided by a web service API, which defines the name, input to, and output from the service for a particular request.

This page lists all the biodiversity web service APIs with a description that includes the information provided by the API, the input needed to get data from the API, and the data that is returned by the API.

The following web service APIs are provided:

Name getListSubmissions
Description In this webservice the user can get the list of all the files in the database.
Example Example to get the list of all the submissions
Name Token
Description In this webservice the user can request a JSON Web Token (JWT) to be able to make requests to the webAPI that require authentication.
Input [Body (Form Data)]
User (ICES user name)
Password (current password for the ICES user, same that you use in the ICES sharepoint)
Output If it succeds, then it will return you the JWT token, you can read more about it here.

Authentication is needed for the following webservices

Name getBirdsAbundance
Description In this webservice the user will get the a view of the records of Birds Abundance recrords.
Input JSON Web Token (the user needs to be authorized by OSPAR to access the data)
Year (optional filter)
Country (optional filter)
SurveyID (optional filter)
Species (optional filter)
Name getBirdsBreedingSuccess
Description In this webservice the user will get the a view of the records of Birds Breeding Success.
Input JSON Web Token (the user needs to be authorized by OSPAR to access the data)
Year (optional filter)
Species (optional filter)
Name getBirdsColony
Description In this webservice the user will get the a view of the records of birds site description.
Input JSON Web Token (the user needs to be authorized by OSPAR to access the data)
Country (optional filter)
ColonyName (optional filter)
NationalColonyID (optional filter)
Name getBirdsSurvey
Description In this webservice the user will get the a view of the records of birds survey metadata.
Input JSON Web Token (the user needs to be authorized by OSPAR to access the data)
SurveyID (optional filter)
Name getSealsSurveyEffort_SE
Description In this webservice the user will get the a view of the records of seals survey effort .
Input JSON Web Token (the user needs to be authorized by OSPAR to access the data)
SurveyID (optional filter)
Name getSurveyProgrammeMetadata_Seals_SP
Description In this webservice the user will get the a view of the records of seals survey programme metadata.
Input JSON Web Token (the user needs to be authorized by OSPAR to access the data)
Survey_programmeID (optional filter)
Country (optional filter)
Name getSeals_AU_Totals_ST
Description In this webservice the user will get the a view of the records of seals survey programme metadata.
Input JSON Web Token (the user needs to be authorized by OSPAR to access the data)
Survey_programmeID (optional filter)
SpeciesName (optional filter)